
Saturday, October 29, 2011

I have to make this one quick, my computer is about to die. It's on its last leg.

Alright, Kentucky is wild. Climbing is crazy. I've been busy climbing, actually, and not taking any photos, so what's the point in keeping a blog? like a journal. GHEY!

Miguel's halloween party was awesome. Someone came as an imperial droid. It was sweet. So many people here, and in fact I hear it outside of my van right now. but that stuff never bothers me, I can sleep through trains. You may ask why I'm sleeping right now? I'm lame and don't learn from mistakes. As in the mistake I made in 2009 and didn't have a costume. I felt lame and sat around. Well, the same thing happened this year. I would say that I have an excuse and was climbing all day, but I knew that halloween was coming, pretty much years in advance so that doesn't fly. Basically, I'm lame. Total lame. Things of this nature have never tickled my fancy until their staring me in the faee and there's nothing but to confront it without the boyscout motto of being prepared, and man I should have learned my lesson. Perhaps that's an analogy for the greater scheme of life and how I choose to confront it.

I'm sadness. Depression and la muerta. The weather is getting better tomorrow. and even if it's physically not, someday soon.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Millenial Falcon Down! Flip Flop, Life is Worth It!

Let me start this off with a little play action time:

Luke Skywalker: [on first seeing the Millenium Falcon] What a piece of junk! 
Han Solo: She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself.