
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Remember, Remember the 5th of November.

V: Remember, remember the 5th of November. The gunpowder, treason, and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

 It's the 5th of November and the Red River Gorge is beautifully sunny today. In general the weather is fair. Some days it gets cold and every day it's getting a little bit colder. At night I freeze my cheeks off. At least my fingers haven't started to numb out, yet. Climbing has been awesome. I crush on the days when we go to vertical walls, and get crushed when we climb steep and overhanging walls. Perhaps I should spend more time in latter. The skin on my tips is melting away. I tape my middle finger pads on both hands. It subtracts from the feeling of the rock, but at least I can keep climbing without too much pain.

Yesterday we went on the bourbon trail to the Four Roses and Wild Turkey distilleries. Of the two, Four Roses wins. The bourbon is much smoother and tastier, almost like flowers. As opposed to the Wild Turkey that is quite harsh through and through without much for flavor. I tried all that Wild Turkey had to offer, and their cheapest and lowest proof bourbon was the best. Perhaps because the white dog they brew is just too harsh. A bad creation. Afterwards we went to Tony's BBQ joint. It was TERRIBLE food. The wings were overcooked, my burger sucked, and the fries were okay. From what I tasted of my friends food, I wasn't impressed. I did devour a grip of food for under $20. But, that isn't really that cheap. Then I took a long nap on the ride back to Miguel's. Altogether it was an entertaining rest day.

I hope that the weather gets warmer. Too bad it's not March and the world isn't tilted in that direction right now. So, I know that it's only going to get colder and colder before it's too cold to do anything. The month of November shouldn't be too terrible. I stay warm in the M.F. and as long as the sun is out I stay warm on the wall as well. Justin and I have been talking about going to Homestead for the month of December. That could be epic!

And, in case you all (dad and reed) wanted to know, Flip Flop is doing really well. He's eating a lot more than usual, he's putting on a lot of muscle and he looks ripped. He plays with the dogs out here, he gets cold at night and sleeps, he hunts the critters, and he smiles as just like usual.

Kristin Yurdin, Golden Boy

Kristin Yurdin, Golden Boy

Sarah Burd, Oompa

Justin Man, Oompa

Justin Man, Oompa

The beautiful Sarah Burd

Me, Malice

Me, Malice

Me, Malice

All I do is fall

Again, More falling

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sam...
    What a fun life. You have chosen well. Keep up the good work. I love you.
