
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Falcon down again. Last days at RRG. fun times.

I had super fun times at the RRG. I don't feel much like writing so here's a grip of photos.

The Red River Gorge was awesome. I met a lot of rad people and made a few really good friends. The worst part of the lifestyle is saying goodbye. Bummer. The climbing is insane. On the way back to Arizona the Millennial Falcon took a dive in louisville. Thanks to some friends from Miguel's (AWESOME) we weren't sleeping in the van in the cold. Sarah and Trevor, thanks so much for the great hospitality. I only wish we could have got a couple of coyotes. There's always next time.

delorean in ky. sick. 

my kitchen/new tarp city

new tarp city consists of two 1988 toyota vans. 

outdoor kitchen

Mike Vaughn getting crazy

Ohh Lola. 



Matt and Cedar


packing up to leave

Thomasina's weird shoes

Saying goodbye

Cedar is an awesome kid!


broke down in Lanesville Welcome Center. Making coffee, waiting for the tow

This is a blown bearing

this is what a blown bearing looks like. no hubcap. 

grouting some rock fireplace

Good ol' Colorado!

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