
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thailand: The Arrival

The plane arrived in Bangkok after a 20 hour flight. An expensive taxi ride got me to a bus station where I spent another 11 hours sitting on the way to Krabi. It wasn't so bad though. I slept well enough and the jet lag did not seem to affect me very much at all. Upon arrival in Krabi me and 11 people got in the bed of a truck with a little awning, crammed to the knees and elbows. After an hour of crazy driving, we arrive in Au Nong (sp). A longtail boat took me over to Ton Sai where I immediately got a bungalow, some dinner, and finally the drones of the previous travel days took there toll. I slept like a baby after a  Nyquil laced milk bottle.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Falcon down again. Last days at RRG. fun times.

I had super fun times at the RRG. I don't feel much like writing so here's a grip of photos.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Photos of me and other things. cool.
thank you elodie

Friday, November 18, 2011

Red River Gorge update

Climbing a lot. Resting as well. Built and rebuilt New Tarp City, also known as van land. My buddy Mike has the same van as me and no we've created a rad space. My fingers always need to heal. I used some Metolius salve one night, and it's created the hot tub effect on tip of my fingers. Climbing is like sharp sandpapered rocks into soft grapes. I've been using some drying agent to combat the tip thing, but my fingers end up seeping a lot and it sucks. So I climb, tear them up, rest a day. It's come to the point where the healing is not combatting the wear and tear.

I had my first depression day in a while. How silly for me, oh selfish me. Getting to spend all his time doing whatever he wants, and has depression days. What a chump.

Movies that suck: The Reader. Go see it. It's awesome. Talk about total and complete crap. I wasted my time. Attack the Block, aliens in the first 5 minutes, just so you know turn it off. Your Highness, awful awful awful. Harry Potter 7 part 2, crap garbage, worst kissing scene in any movies, made me feel awkward, although I will give Ron and Hermione credit where credit is due, that was the better kissing scene.

Movies that have great potential: The Wrestler. So far so good.

I've been stoked on overhanging things and getting worked on other things that I thought would go quickly. It's been an awesome learning experience and I've tried hard, and at times wish I would try even harder.

What is in the future for me: Arizona, Thailand, Colorado and Alaska. I think. Perhaps some bouldering and fixing the van right stylie. OG. Original.

I'm hungry. Peace in the South East!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Rest Day Activities: Fix Ibanez guitar bridge

Things are as they are, and as they are I have to rest. As much as I would not take such a waste of a day just to waste more days climbing on rocks, I must. I beat up my body enough as it is, and to sit and relax is necessity. The real question is, as it always is on lazy days, what should I do today? Typically I do some grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking, and hanging out. I plan for the next few days of climbing, and do it all over again. Once in a while I'll find a project and work on something. This was one of those times.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Remember, Remember the 5th of November.

V: Remember, remember the 5th of November. The gunpowder, treason, and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I have to make this one quick, my computer is about to die. It's on its last leg.

Alright, Kentucky is wild. Climbing is crazy. I've been busy climbing, actually, and not taking any photos, so what's the point in keeping a blog? like a journal. GHEY!

Miguel's halloween party was awesome. Someone came as an imperial droid. It was sweet. So many people here, and in fact I hear it outside of my van right now. but that stuff never bothers me, I can sleep through trains. You may ask why I'm sleeping right now? I'm lame and don't learn from mistakes. As in the mistake I made in 2009 and didn't have a costume. I felt lame and sat around. Well, the same thing happened this year. I would say that I have an excuse and was climbing all day, but I knew that halloween was coming, pretty much years in advance so that doesn't fly. Basically, I'm lame. Total lame. Things of this nature have never tickled my fancy until their staring me in the faee and there's nothing but to confront it without the boyscout motto of being prepared, and man I should have learned my lesson. Perhaps that's an analogy for the greater scheme of life and how I choose to confront it.

I'm sadness. Depression and la muerta. The weather is getting better tomorrow. and even if it's physically not, someday soon.
